Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Exammmmmmmmm - KG

  1. The Project i feel that i learned the most from was the portraits of our sister school. It ties in a little bit of everything we learned about in art. Shading, Pastels, value scale, drawing of body parts and etc.

2. The project that will be the most relavent to me is probably the plaster hand project. Its a cool project that is creative and will teach you to think outside the box and you can make art from anything. It shows you to be a creative person and how to do more than the so called norm.

3. I think the project that had the least value was the gesture drawings and expspressive paintings. It didnt really mean much and i didnt really get the point of the drawings.

Kyle Giaquinto
Mr.Sands 2nd Period

Monday, April 11, 2011

Look at that

Here we have max stabbing robbie with the flag pole on the football field. To make these types of pictures you use a camera and make it seem as if things that are far away seem as if they in close perspective.

Express IT

Drawing and Painting expression artwork . The class had to paint people and expressive style artworks onto paper that we had stapled to the walls of the artroom.


Molding clay into a bowl !!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hand Art

Mold of my hand made into a Bird

Vroooom Vroooom

This was a picture of a car i drew during class. It is a value drawing with shading


Drawing of Sid the Sloth from Ice Age

Drawing of Sid the Sloths Bones